Educational Resources

Student Evangelization

prominent Writings, Homilies, and Notes By

Archbishop James Patterson Lyke

Welcome to our cherished collection of Archbishop James Patterson Lyke’s Homilies. This special section of our website is dedicated to preserving and sharing the powerful, heartfelt sermons delivered by Archbishop Lyke throughout his distinguished service to the Church. Each homily is a testament to his profound faith, his deep understanding of the Gospel, and his unwavering commitment to social justice and inclusivity within the Catholic faith. As you explore these homilies, you will find yourself immersed in the spiritual wisdom and eloquence of a man who not only preached the word of God but also lived it through his actions. Whether you are seeking spiritual guidance, inspiration, or a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith from an African-American perspective, these homilies offer a rich resource. They are not just historical documents but living messages that continue to resonate with relevance and hope in our world today.

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